Why Popsicle?

Just like everyone loves a deliciously refreshing popsicle on a hot summer day, you should be able to enjoy a great story on any given day…and it should bring you just as much joy. Story Popsicle came out of the need for new listening material to entertain on car rides to distances ranging from a five minute trip to the grocery store to a five hour trip to Disneyland. You just need a good story to keep you as entertained as your children.

Why these specific stories?

To be honest, we’d give you every children’s book under the sun if we could, but due to copyright restrictions, we decided to get creative to keep it under the jurisdiction of the law. So perhaps you are wondering why some of these stories seem like they should be 100% familiar to you, but they sound a little different? Well, when a book is written in 1916, it’s going to sound a little different than the versions you’ve heard since. That’s why we zhuzh it up a bit, change some out of date content, add some unexpected dialogue, and give you our interpretation of how the story could possibly pass in a world so different than the times of knickerbockers.

Back to Popsicles…

We hope you enjoy the content we’ve created, and we look forward to being your audio friend, helping you make memories with your family, as you travel, relax at home, or just need a break so that you can cook dinner.

These stories will put a smile on your face, some pep in your step, and some love in your heart.